Thursday, September 4, 2014

30 Days of Indie Travel, Day 20 | Part of Africa that interest me the Most

I think it was 1990 when I visited Morocco, and highly recommend this part of Africa to independent, adventurous types. I remember being on a pedestal as an American and that there was not really a developed back packer circuit, which made it more of an adventure. I enjoyed the diverse social culture: how they're successful in combining Berber, Jewish and Arabic with external influences (French, Spanish and the Anglo-American), the important historical context of the continent in relation to the rest of the world, and the diverse regions of the Atlas mountains, down to the desert and coastline.

At the time, it was very cheap to travel there! I had ups and downs, but once I came home to Arizona I could truly appreciate the experience I had and how amazing it was! Last but not least, the people were very friendly and welcoming. I do not know if it's still that way today, but I lucked out when I went. I gasp for air looking back on it now, but also with perspective there are so many hidden treasures just waiting to be discovered in my own backyard, all the same. Henry David Thoreau said, “I have traveled a great deal in Concord,” which is interesting given that he was actually from Concord. Perhaps Thoreau understood something that many of us modern day bohemians could benefit from learning: travel is not a matter of location but rather, it is about seeing, about being curious, about having an open mind and a sense of wonder. My goal in traveling is to never lose that. Thank you Morocco. Love, Sharon

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