Sunday, October 12, 2014

Lily Pads

Since discovering the Diana-photo-inspired look, my end of the month posts are bound to feature more photos than words from me. There are so many images to chase… I was feeling giddy when, thankfully, in a moment of downtime this weekend, I reconnected with an exquisite quote from one of my favorite authors. “My coming of faith did not start with a leap but rather a series of staggers from what seemed like one safe place to another. Like lily pads, round and green those places summoned and held me while I grew. Each prepared me to the next leaf on which I would land, and this way I moved across the swamp of doubt and fear. When I look back at these early resting places — I can see how flimsy and indirect a path they made. Yet each step brought me closer to the verdant pad of faith in which somehow I afloat today.” ::Anne Lamott::

I have observed that in my life, despite the rush and angst to make things happen, I've never been able to suddenly leap either. My path has actually been quite wobbly and accidental. It is good to recognize though, that no matter how many steps I took and in which direction I went, these steps sure led me to extraordinary places. So, whatever the future may bring, here is a unique end of the month opportunity: Let’s just rest in our accomplishments and be held by their support as we approach the end of another phase and, soon, end of the year.

Here are my personal “lily pads” I want to share with you:
First is the successfulness of this home exchange I am on. I feel both humbled and honored to be accepted into these beautiful countries (Denmark and Sweden) and these strangers' homes without having met in person before, to experience a place in their precious homes and also in the neighborhoods (Thank you Michael, Madeleine and Lars). It all sounds so easy, however, new friends didn't come "included" with either exchange location, and so I worked very hard at building a temporary life that included people. It has made me more friendly and outgoing, eager to meet and befriend new people and seek out as many opportunities as possible. Whether this meant small things such as going for picnics, asking a neighbor to come out for lunch with me, or finding and eating at different cafés, kayaking or taking bike trips across the city. These all represented the kinds of things I always wanted to do in Prescott, Az, but never got around to right before I left.

Finally, to complete the home exchange with even more joy, I will be going to Estonia by boat for a quick 24-hour trip with 2 other friends (1 seat still left in the cabin!) Love, Sharon :D

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